Making fun of those accents is how I stay sane

Making fun of those accents is how I stay sane

Argentinean President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (CFK) went to a trade event in China during a state visit. Not her first visit there. Noting the large attendance, she tweeted, “Más de 1.000 asistentes al evento… ¿Serán todos de “La Cámpola” y vinieron sólo...
Ixnay on the ockerymay

Ixnay on the ockerymay

It’d be nice to start the new year by exalting another good apology. Let’s see. The hiphop band The Roots went on tour in Japan. Drummer Questlove kept up an effervescent beat of reactions. After a while people started calling him racist for Instagram...

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